
Soooooo far behind....

Wow! How easy it is to get behind on this thing. I can hardly keep up with life let alone a blog. Oh well, I guess all I can do is try. So here I am.
Since the last post Dimitri is out of the hospital. Been back in and back out since I was down there but currently is out.
Audrey is growing quickly. She will be 8 months old in a couple of days. I can hardly believe that. She is now getting on her hands and knees and rocking back and forth. She also can go from a "crawling" position to sitting up on her own. And then back again. She has face planted a couple of times and fell back and bonked her head one time too many but she is learning quickly. Her personality is really shining thru right now. She likes to throw herself backwards and if you are not paying attention....well, let's just say she's come close to falling to the floor a few times. When she sees dogs she says "ohhhh!" She says the sounds dadadada, nananana, nininini, but only has said mamama once. Which I am A OK with. The longer it takes her to say Mama the better. Just like the longer it takes her to crawl the better. She is breaking two teeth right now. I need to take a picture. It has made sleep difficult but really what is new. lol.
Payton is doing well too! He has decided that he would like to have his birthday at an ice skating rink this year. So tomorrow I will be calling to make the reservation. He is still doing exceedingly well in school. His spelling words are far above the first grade level. His communication skills are excellent. Unfortunately they are a little too good sometimes and he likes to argue with me about lots of things. We are working on how to not argue and to talk to me, not whine to me. He is learning how to solve personal problems on his own without the aid of adults. I can not believe how fast these kids are growing.
I am still working from home. It seems to be working out really well for everyone involved. I love being home with the kids but also like getting the income. Aaron's plant was supposed to be shut down for two months. He was asked to do some maintenance type work during some of that shutdown time and he said yes. Well, while he has been there most of the guys have been working, cleaning, some light production, etc. So we are not really sure why they bothered with the shutdown at all. But we are not complaining. At least he is working and was not one of the people who was laid off. Other than that we have just been living life. Hopefully I will be back on again soon to keep everyone updated. And pictures will be posted soon.

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