
Trying times....

I got a phone call the other day that my brother is back in the hospital. I have three brothers, this one is the youngest of three. At 21 years of age he found out that he has a disease called Wilsons Disease. Basically it is a disease that keeps copper in your body. Normally we realease what we do not need, his body could not do that. So he started to turn yellow and his liver started to fail. He ended up with a liver transplant. Life started to look better. Then I got the phone call. D is back in the hospital. He has a bad infection. They admitted him and started him on antibiotics. Then he started to act weird. Saying bizarre things. Then his blood pressure started to plummet. So bad that he had to be put on life support. Next thing I know I'm getting another phone call that I need to come down right away and that he may not make it. I hopped on the first plane that I could. With the kids. I got to the hospital to find my mom, step dad, sister, middle brother, uncle and aunt sitting in the surgical waiting room. They had taken him in to remove 90% of his colon. His colon was so badly infected that it was contaminating his blood supply. In the process of this contamination his kidneys started to fail. So here is my little brother with a tube breathing for him, a scar from a transplant surgery, a new wound from the new surgery, machines filtering his blood thru his kidneys, and tubes and tubes with gobs of medications going into him. The good news is that the infection is out, his vitals are coming back up, he is looking better and better by the second. It looks like he is getting better. By no means is he out of the woods yet. My mind is all over the place as is this blog. I am not sleeping well thanks to baby and stress. To top things off my family is falling apart. Not my husband and I, nope, that is perfect!!! My mom....and step dad....I just don't know what to say. My family is out of control. I am glad that I was able to come down here to be with my brother. I love him very much but I will be very happy to be home and away from this stress. Sorry for this very disorganized way of writing, it is totally due to lack of sleep. Bye for now!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Melissa,

    Andrea and I will be praying for you and the family. If you guys need anything at all, please let us know. Childcare, meals - whatever. We're here for you guys if you need us. Get home safe.
